Go Figure! Exhibition
So we invited all the members of 57 Underground to our house for an afternoon party in the summer of 2006. It was a small group back then. The people at our party were: Desiree Engle, Barbara McGlaughlin, Jeanne Anderson, Mervyn Selden, Russ Huff, and several others whose names I can't recall.
Everybody gathered in the backyard, drinking my husband's microbrew as I prepared h'ordeuvres and a home-cooked meal. After we have finished eating and catching up, I motioned everyone into the living room area. The high-ceiling living room (later my studio) was set up with my paintings against the walls. After the group saw my paintings, they immediately scheduled me for a solo exhibition on February 2008. We were thrilled about this opportunity.
My husband helped me create a postcard design to promote the exhibition. The exhibition's theme is Go Figure!--focusing on the figurative paintings from my collection. Art Scene, the top media organ for the Southern California gallery scenes, raved about my exhibition and recommended it as a must-see show! Wow. It was an honor to see my work highly praised.